It's 9 hours till my plane leaves. I've been through the city one more time. Picked up my birthday gift and I'm done.
Had dinner with a cool czech guy that rolled into town yesterday. And all of a suddend it starts to rain. RAIN!
It's the desert and it's raining.
eh, what the hell. I'm leaving. And it's been raining in LA so this will get me in to the swing when I get home.
9 hours is a long time. The guys at the hostel are watching Egypt v Kenya soccer. Which makes my 9 hours longer.
I know where to catch the bus to the airport so all I can do is wait.
One more stop, then home...
31 March 2006
30 March 2006
Under a big black sun
The english couple I met were on their way to Saluum as I was. The husband is has been interested in Eclipses since he was a kid. Both of them were in England when there was a total eclipse but cloud cover made the viewing poor. I really wouldn't know the difference since this was my first.
I have to say every decision we made went perfectly. The hotel was was reasonably comfortable (except for the stunning amount of street noise into the night). Our hotel mother hooked us up with a terrific taxi driver that we hired for the day. Got us to Saluum and to Alexandria in record time and was genuinely a nice person.
Anyway, We paid for tickets to get to a viewing area set up by the goverment. We were told to get to Saluum by 7am because the city would be closed. The president was flying in and for security....blah blah blah.
We got there at about 5:30 AM. We went to the viewing site which might have been good, top of a hill, view of the sea....but dozens of tour buses, crowds of people and the music. Terrible local dance, hip hop and rap music inside, and local bedouin bands outside. The bedouins were ok but the rest had to go.
We made our way down the hill to the town of Saluum. Camped out on the beach and waited....and waited....and waited.
Local kids and townspeople came up to us and welcomed us to the town. Saluum is basically no where. My guidebook says as much. It's your last stop in Egypt before you get to Libya and the people were happy to have some tourists around.
So we wait and wait and wait. Richard, The husband, knew what was going on and tipped me on what to look for. Now to be honest this whole affair is tedious, boring and completely ordinary....until about 45 seconds before totality.
When it started I made observed the surroundings, made notes and basically nothing worth noting was happening.
We all kind of looked at ourselves and said "is this it?"
but about 45 seconds to go, the sunlight started to turn a bit yellow. Richard said to look at the ground and what looked like heat waves were rippling across the sand. I looked through the glasses and there was just a sliver of sun left uncovered, too much to look at with the naked eye. Then BOOM, TOTALITY!
Where I was a kid, and I'm sure every kid is told, "Never look directly at the sun, you'll go blind!" But at this moment, the sun was a deep black circle. I looked at it directly, I couldn't look at anything else. Every logical system in my brain colapsed. THIS WAS UNREAL. The corona was bluish white and streamed around the black sun. It was completely animated which made it more surreal. The sun is supposed to be static, unmovable, like an elephant slowly trodding across the sky but this thing moved, danced almost.
The sky around it was midnight blue, until the horizon. We were on the beach so we could see down the the horizon and the sky was purple and orange, like sunset. but we were in night time.
I can't explain or will try to what it felt like.
Dogs barked, horses bayed. Birds flew then landed and slept. street lights came on....
It went on for 4 minutes. It seemed short or long...I'm not really sure which. The physical rules and measures I know seemed not to apply.
"here comes the diamond ring..." Richard said and about 4 o'clock on the sun the intense light of the sun broke, and it looked like a white diamond ring...and it was over.
The sun started its way back and the birds picked up...for the most part.
And we headed back to Alexandria.
It was one of the most spectacular events I have ever witnessed in my life.
I have to do it again.
I'm back in Cairo. Fly home in two days.
The big stuff on this trip is done.
One more Hard Rock on the way home...then...back to pulling weeds in my yard.
I have to say every decision we made went perfectly. The hotel was was reasonably comfortable (except for the stunning amount of street noise into the night). Our hotel mother hooked us up with a terrific taxi driver that we hired for the day. Got us to Saluum and to Alexandria in record time and was genuinely a nice person.
Anyway, We paid for tickets to get to a viewing area set up by the goverment. We were told to get to Saluum by 7am because the city would be closed. The president was flying in and for security....blah blah blah.
We got there at about 5:30 AM. We went to the viewing site which might have been good, top of a hill, view of the sea....but dozens of tour buses, crowds of people and the music. Terrible local dance, hip hop and rap music inside, and local bedouin bands outside. The bedouins were ok but the rest had to go.
We made our way down the hill to the town of Saluum. Camped out on the beach and waited....and waited....and waited.
Local kids and townspeople came up to us and welcomed us to the town. Saluum is basically no where. My guidebook says as much. It's your last stop in Egypt before you get to Libya and the people were happy to have some tourists around.
So we wait and wait and wait. Richard, The husband, knew what was going on and tipped me on what to look for. Now to be honest this whole affair is tedious, boring and completely ordinary....until about 45 seconds before totality.
When it started I made observed the surroundings, made notes and basically nothing worth noting was happening.
We all kind of looked at ourselves and said "is this it?"
but about 45 seconds to go, the sunlight started to turn a bit yellow. Richard said to look at the ground and what looked like heat waves were rippling across the sand. I looked through the glasses and there was just a sliver of sun left uncovered, too much to look at with the naked eye. Then BOOM, TOTALITY!
Where I was a kid, and I'm sure every kid is told, "Never look directly at the sun, you'll go blind!" But at this moment, the sun was a deep black circle. I looked at it directly, I couldn't look at anything else. Every logical system in my brain colapsed. THIS WAS UNREAL. The corona was bluish white and streamed around the black sun. It was completely animated which made it more surreal. The sun is supposed to be static, unmovable, like an elephant slowly trodding across the sky but this thing moved, danced almost.
The sky around it was midnight blue, until the horizon. We were on the beach so we could see down the the horizon and the sky was purple and orange, like sunset. but we were in night time.
I can't explain or will try to what it felt like.
Dogs barked, horses bayed. Birds flew then landed and slept. street lights came on....
It went on for 4 minutes. It seemed short or long...I'm not really sure which. The physical rules and measures I know seemed not to apply.
"here comes the diamond ring..." Richard said and about 4 o'clock on the sun the intense light of the sun broke, and it looked like a white diamond ring...and it was over.
The sun started its way back and the birds picked up...for the most part.
And we headed back to Alexandria.
It was one of the most spectacular events I have ever witnessed in my life.
I have to do it again.
I'm back in Cairo. Fly home in two days.
The big stuff on this trip is done.
One more Hard Rock on the way home...then...back to pulling weeds in my yard.
28 March 2006
This hair has got to go
I went back to the hotel and nap for a bit. I tried to nap but the noise in the street consisted of every noise imaginable. Really, cars, horns, horses, kids, circular saw, banging on propane tanks, birds....
Anyway, I get up, I decide to get something to eat. I throw on my pants and catch myself in the mirror, and I look like peppermint pattie.
My hair grows fast and I'm lazy. This is a bad combo. It's been a while since I've been to the barber and it was definitly time to go.
I used to go to a lady in Korea all the time. We devoloped an understanding of what was acceptable and what was not. I was close to getting my hair cut in a park in china last year but I chickened out.
This situation needed a resolution. So I went down the street and there was a shop.
The guys were sitting around watching soccer and a kid was getting his haircut. I remember that look, the "Fuck I hate getting my haircut!" look.
Anyway, the kid was getting his cut from a tall thin guy watching the game and moving the scissors with every kick. He gets done with the kid and motions to me. I get up but he motions to the other chair.
For me he was going to the bullpen. This guy that looks like the guard from "Midnight Express" comes in and without a word puts the tissue on my neck and BOOM we're off. He's going, cutting, smoothing. Meticulous. This guy is a surgeon. In about 15 minutes he's done. Not bad.
He reaches for the counter and mmmmmmm....not what I gel....With the big paws, goes in. I haven't used this stuff since I was in first grade and I still have the picture to show why.
He combs the hair back and I'm done.
Look in the mirror. Hey, I look like Hitler...with glasses.
I slip his a ten spot. He seems ok with it. Not happy but ok.
As I leave I see he has two straight razors soaking in a mug that says "Mom, you've always been there "
I guess if he wasn't happy. I'd know.
Anyway, I get up, I decide to get something to eat. I throw on my pants and catch myself in the mirror, and I look like peppermint pattie.
My hair grows fast and I'm lazy. This is a bad combo. It's been a while since I've been to the barber and it was definitly time to go.
I used to go to a lady in Korea all the time. We devoloped an understanding of what was acceptable and what was not. I was close to getting my hair cut in a park in china last year but I chickened out.
This situation needed a resolution. So I went down the street and there was a shop.
The guys were sitting around watching soccer and a kid was getting his haircut. I remember that look, the "Fuck I hate getting my haircut!" look.
Anyway, the kid was getting his cut from a tall thin guy watching the game and moving the scissors with every kick. He gets done with the kid and motions to me. I get up but he motions to the other chair.
For me he was going to the bullpen. This guy that looks like the guard from "Midnight Express" comes in and without a word puts the tissue on my neck and BOOM we're off. He's going, cutting, smoothing. Meticulous. This guy is a surgeon. In about 15 minutes he's done. Not bad.
He reaches for the counter and mmmmmmm....not what I gel....With the big paws, goes in. I haven't used this stuff since I was in first grade and I still have the picture to show why.
He combs the hair back and I'm done.
Look in the mirror. Hey, I look like Hitler...with glasses.
I slip his a ten spot. He seems ok with it. Not happy but ok.
As I leave I see he has two straight razors soaking in a mug that says "Mom, you've always been there "
I guess if he wasn't happy. I'd know.
Arrived in Marsa this afternoon.
The place is crawling with foreigners going to Saluum tomorrow.
After Saluum, it's a race back to Cairo and the plane home.
It appears conditions will be very good in Saluum.
I went to a burger stand, ordered a burger and ate it so fast the guy behind the counter told me (in arabic) "no money"....I think he thought I was starving, homeless or both.
I met an interesting English couple we shared a taxi and they helped he get into their hotel.
I'm beat.
I may not post tomorrow because of the commute. so more much later.
The place is crawling with foreigners going to Saluum tomorrow.
After Saluum, it's a race back to Cairo and the plane home.
It appears conditions will be very good in Saluum.
I went to a burger stand, ordered a burger and ate it so fast the guy behind the counter told me (in arabic) "no money"....I think he thought I was starving, homeless or both.
I met an interesting English couple we shared a taxi and they helped he get into their hotel.
I'm beat.
I may not post tomorrow because of the commute. so more much later.
27 March 2006
Nite time
Ah the internet. After a run to the tea house after a bowl of Koshawri, I hit an internet bar open late down the street from my hotel. The dodgers are kicking the shit out of the mets, my stocks are down and Anna sent me a quick note. Pretty good day.
I took the tram to Quiabey Citadel. It was the site of the Pharos, on of the seven wonders of the world. It feel and they built a fort. What are you going to do...
I say I took the tram but really I walked because the drivers here follow a loose collection of rules and it ended up there was a traffic jam, cars were on the tracks and the tram was stopped so I jumped out.
The trolley guy doesn't ask for the fare, he taps on the rail with a ring. It's evident what he is doing, so it's an effective system.
The taxi system is different here than in Cairo or Luxor. In Alexandria the preferred car is the Lada 128, alternate panels are painted black and yellow. Cairo and Luxor they mainly use the Peogeot 504, sedans in Cairo and mostly wagons in Luxor. They are painted blue and white.
Moving on tomorrow
I took the tram to Quiabey Citadel. It was the site of the Pharos, on of the seven wonders of the world. It feel and they built a fort. What are you going to do...
I say I took the tram but really I walked because the drivers here follow a loose collection of rules and it ended up there was a traffic jam, cars were on the tracks and the tram was stopped so I jumped out.
The trolley guy doesn't ask for the fare, he taps on the rail with a ring. It's evident what he is doing, so it's an effective system.
The taxi system is different here than in Cairo or Luxor. In Alexandria the preferred car is the Lada 128, alternate panels are painted black and yellow. Cairo and Luxor they mainly use the Peogeot 504, sedans in Cairo and mostly wagons in Luxor. They are painted blue and white.
Moving on tomorrow
18 hours. 18 hours on the bus. I arrived in Alexandria yesterday. I caught the city tram on the way to the hotel. This thing was 40 years old if it was a day. I saw the mediterrian and jumped off. Way too early. So in the sun, I'm dragging my bag down the coast to the hotel. Two university girls, looked at me with pity and offered to help. Now I have some pride. Not a lot but a few shreds, I wouldn't let them carry my bag but a guide to the hotel would not be bad.
When we got to the first hotel it was booked. Fortunately my guides helped point me in the direction of another spot. I treated for lunch, I got to the room and slept, for 14 hours.
I got up today. Had some coffee and simple breakfast at the hotel and off to the library.
The legend of the Alexandria Library has fascinated me since I was in grade school and finally I was here. The new building is I think the only modern building in Egypt that has been impressive to me. Most the the buildings have been done cheaply and/or without any style at all. The exterior is well done and the inside. Well the inside opens at 11am and they wouldn't let me in.
It's raining a little so I'm off to the hotel to change my pants. I've been wearing shorts the whole trip since it's been in the 80's. I'm the only one in Egypt in shorts. Well there are a few other foreigners running around in shorts but not too many. Since the weather is getting cooler. I'm going to adapt.
2days till saloom.
When we got to the first hotel it was booked. Fortunately my guides helped point me in the direction of another spot. I treated for lunch, I got to the room and slept, for 14 hours.
I got up today. Had some coffee and simple breakfast at the hotel and off to the library.
The legend of the Alexandria Library has fascinated me since I was in grade school and finally I was here. The new building is I think the only modern building in Egypt that has been impressive to me. Most the the buildings have been done cheaply and/or without any style at all. The exterior is well done and the inside. Well the inside opens at 11am and they wouldn't let me in.
It's raining a little so I'm off to the hotel to change my pants. I've been wearing shorts the whole trip since it's been in the 80's. I'm the only one in Egypt in shorts. Well there are a few other foreigners running around in shorts but not too many. Since the weather is getting cooler. I'm going to adapt.
2days till saloom.
25 March 2006
What a waste of time
So I go to the station this morning to catch a train to Cairo. I run into some americans I met at the valley of the kings, chatted. They watch my bag and I go for my ticket. NO TICKETS! F. Next train is in the morning or I could spend a lot on the sleeping train I took to get here. I'm not doing that again. It was nice but I have a budget.
I haul my bag to the bus depot and ask when the next bus to Cairo is (mind you I spent 12 hours total on a bus yesterday to Hurgada and back). Next bus 7pm. 7! At the time it was 10:30 AM. F.
Ok, any movement is good. So I'll come back at 6pm. I went to a great net room down a back alley I found. The owner is an young egyptian guy who just got married. He told me what he had to go through and nodded and smiled politely. I kept my opinions to myself.
I hung out for a while, then took the ferry to the west bank and took a walk down some dirt road. I met a guy and his son that runs a papyrus shop. Usually these guys are on you like flies to go in the shop look around "free look free look" until you buy something. But this guy was cool. I sat in the shade drank some water so I didnt die in the heat and he told me about how the village has changed over the years.
I came back to the net bar, still 3hours to kill so I surfed the net. What I ended up doing is viewing random blogs. I can get random sites with the button up top. I figure these are my people now so I should take a look at what they are up to.
The majority are just shills for web ads.
Most are not in english. Pass, unless there are photos.
Many are from teenagers screwing around. Yes, I'm that old fart now that complains about teenagers...bah...(next stop ---apples for halloween)
A lot are people that like to tell stories about how drunk they got and how fun it was.
A few are interesting. I came across one from someone that is travelling just like I am. They're in Spain now with some cool pics.
One was a joke site and I added a link to a blog with painful crash pictures. Yea! That's entertainment.
Anyway, I have an hour and a half to go. I'm hitting McD for coffee and apple pie to try and induce movement before I get on the bus. The facilities on your average bus if they exist are rudamentary, to put it mildly.
Next stop Cairo.
I haul my bag to the bus depot and ask when the next bus to Cairo is (mind you I spent 12 hours total on a bus yesterday to Hurgada and back). Next bus 7pm. 7! At the time it was 10:30 AM. F.
Ok, any movement is good. So I'll come back at 6pm. I went to a great net room down a back alley I found. The owner is an young egyptian guy who just got married. He told me what he had to go through and nodded and smiled politely. I kept my opinions to myself.
I hung out for a while, then took the ferry to the west bank and took a walk down some dirt road. I met a guy and his son that runs a papyrus shop. Usually these guys are on you like flies to go in the shop look around "free look free look" until you buy something. But this guy was cool. I sat in the shade drank some water so I didnt die in the heat and he told me about how the village has changed over the years.
I came back to the net bar, still 3hours to kill so I surfed the net. What I ended up doing is viewing random blogs. I can get random sites with the button up top. I figure these are my people now so I should take a look at what they are up to.
The majority are just shills for web ads.
Most are not in english. Pass, unless there are photos.
Many are from teenagers screwing around. Yes, I'm that old fart now that complains about teenagers...bah...(next stop ---apples for halloween)
A lot are people that like to tell stories about how drunk they got and how fun it was.
A few are interesting. I came across one from someone that is travelling just like I am. They're in Spain now with some cool pics.
One was a joke site and I added a link to a blog with painful crash pictures. Yea! That's entertainment.
Anyway, I have an hour and a half to go. I'm hitting McD for coffee and apple pie to try and induce movement before I get on the bus. The facilities on your average bus if they exist are rudamentary, to put it mildly.
Next stop Cairo.
Falucca on the nile
I took a falucca ride on the nile the other day. I was interested in the ride but did not want the hassle. I was hounded by one guy and eventually I got on the boat.
Now the ride itself was cool. The water was a deep dark blue, green stringy vegitation passing under the boat. Groups of birds, I've never seen before flying in groups just above the water and overhead. It was nice.
Expect the captain and his buddy kept on with, "oh there is a nice island we can stop and see the camels, or there is a shop here they sell alabaster ...."
Then the money we agreed on was not get the picture...
I'm stuck in Luxor until tonight. I have four days to make it to Saloom then Everything here is done.
I'm looking forward to the ride home.
Now the ride itself was cool. The water was a deep dark blue, green stringy vegitation passing under the boat. Groups of birds, I've never seen before flying in groups just above the water and overhead. It was nice.
Expect the captain and his buddy kept on with, "oh there is a nice island we can stop and see the camels, or there is a shop here they sell alabaster ...."
Then the money we agreed on was not get the picture...
I'm stuck in Luxor until tonight. I have four days to make it to Saloom then Everything here is done.
I'm looking forward to the ride home.
23 March 2006
nothing really new
same shit different day.
Im getting worn out by the constant proding of cabbies, falucca captains, silver jewelers, etc, etc, etc...It never ends.
I went to the valley of the kings and saw a couple of great tombs and a couple of other temples. blah blah blah...
Hurgada tomorrow then moving on.
Im getting worn out by the constant proding of cabbies, falucca captains, silver jewelers, etc, etc, etc...It never ends.
I went to the valley of the kings and saw a couple of great tombs and a couple of other temples. blah blah blah...
Hurgada tomorrow then moving on.
22 March 2006
I should have come to Luxor first. The people are much more relaxed and the temple sites are excellent.
I went to Karnak this afternoon. Walked a good ways, got conned into a buggy ride all of 150 feet and arrived at the temple. Look at the picture. Look at the size of the columns! In this area there are 134 columns. The whole complex is amazing.
I'm beat.
Dinner at Ali Baba's Cafe. Some tea at the net bar. Tomorrow. Valley of the kings.
I went to Karnak this afternoon. Walked a good ways, got conned into a buggy ride all of 150 feet and arrived at the temple. Look at the picture. Look at the size of the columns! In this area there are 134 columns. The whole complex is amazing.
I'm beat.
Dinner at Ali Baba's Cafe. Some tea at the net bar. Tomorrow. Valley of the kings.
I had a pretty sweet train ride last night. I layed down for a first class overnight sleeper to Luxor, for all of $53US. It was comfortable but I didn't really sleep enough.
Checked into the hotel and hit the Luxor temple complex. This is what I imagined Egypt would be. The complex has long passages with carved columns and walls with carvings and some of the original colors are still visible. The feeling of history here is strong. Until the groups get there.
I arrived somewhat early 11am or so and there were about 150-200 people. Not too bad but by 12 noon, there must have been 500 people, 200 of them school children. This destroyed any peace and enjoyment I could have. Some rooms were blocked with crowds with guides. Some people hopped barriers to take cheesy pictures.
I ended up going outside the temple and checking the piles of assorted found pieces that cannot be fit with a building yet.
On another note, I've been here little more than a week. I've felt, crowded, hot, lied to, scammed, dirty, and tired but I do feel safe.
Some of the people are doing whatever they can to make money so they bend the truth. And being an obvious foreigner I am a target for hawkers and touts. But I believe in the law of the jungle and I've adapted and I get around ok.
I was initally worried about pickpockets or muggings but that has not been a problem. In fact, I was in the Kahn al Kariri, the large market place. Thousands of people channeled down narrow passages past vendors. With all of those people no one touched me. My clothes were brush once or twice but no one really crowded me or pushed. It's the same on the subway. I can get very crowded but people respect distance.
I'm beat. It's getting hotter and there are more stops to make. later
Checked into the hotel and hit the Luxor temple complex. This is what I imagined Egypt would be. The complex has long passages with carved columns and walls with carvings and some of the original colors are still visible. The feeling of history here is strong. Until the groups get there.
I arrived somewhat early 11am or so and there were about 150-200 people. Not too bad but by 12 noon, there must have been 500 people, 200 of them school children. This destroyed any peace and enjoyment I could have. Some rooms were blocked with crowds with guides. Some people hopped barriers to take cheesy pictures.
I ended up going outside the temple and checking the piles of assorted found pieces that cannot be fit with a building yet.
On another note, I've been here little more than a week. I've felt, crowded, hot, lied to, scammed, dirty, and tired but I do feel safe.
Some of the people are doing whatever they can to make money so they bend the truth. And being an obvious foreigner I am a target for hawkers and touts. But I believe in the law of the jungle and I've adapted and I get around ok.
I was initally worried about pickpockets or muggings but that has not been a problem. In fact, I was in the Kahn al Kariri, the large market place. Thousands of people channeled down narrow passages past vendors. With all of those people no one touched me. My clothes were brush once or twice but no one really crowded me or pushed. It's the same on the subway. I can get very crowded but people respect distance.
I'm beat. It's getting hotter and there are more stops to make. later
21 March 2006
I catch the train in 3 hours.
I went to an amazing art museum today and a couple of galleries.
The museum was in an old colonial residence on the nile. The collection contained a Van Gogh and two Gaugain's which were some of the best pieces I've ever seen.
The rooms were cool and dark and I got to sit alone and study them. Museums in the states, well, anywhere are usually packed but luckily enought this place was empty. It was perfect.
3hrs. Catch some tea maybe falafel then the train.
I went to an amazing art museum today and a couple of galleries.
The museum was in an old colonial residence on the nile. The collection contained a Van Gogh and two Gaugain's which were some of the best pieces I've ever seen.
The rooms were cool and dark and I got to sit alone and study them. Museums in the states, well, anywhere are usually packed but luckily enought this place was empty. It was perfect.
3hrs. Catch some tea maybe falafel then the train.
morning in Cairo

Yesterday was not my best day.
During the bus ride a lady asked for my seat, twice. Once with an interpreter. I like the window seat, I was assigned a window seat so I kept it.
The seat was later filled by a very nice Egyptian guy. About half hour into the trip he offers me a package of cookies. He was very polite, he had a package for himself so I accepted. The cookies were very sweet strawberry cookies so I only had a few.
About twenty minutes later he offers me some of his water. I politely declined. He the offered me a small bottle of juice. He insisted so I took it. It was mango juice. Thick an very sweet. I took a couple of swigs and thought. Damn. This is not a good combo. I should have had the water.
Now I know myself and what happens when certain things are mixed. Some have questioned this ability as superstition but it is valuable knowledge I have picked up over the years.
Anyway, I rolled into town last night broke through the cab drivers, caught the subway, checked into the hotel, made my post last night and headed off for falafel. I felt fine.....uh oh.....I didn't feel fine....
Liquid shifted in my gut and I was code 9 for the toilet. FUCK! I turned around and headed for the hotel. It was a block away. I went though traffic crossing the street like I had broken my leg trying to keep from shitting myself. DAMN I SHOULD HAVE HAD THE WATER!
I shuffle up the stair to the elevator,....FUCK! NO ELEVATOR! This elevator is a work of art. Three people at a time max and the door doesn't close. I hit the button and squeeze for dear life.
I was very close to squirting in ash can but it would not have represented my country well, so I dribbled. Slightly in my shorts.
I have not done this in I can't remember how long but the feeling of horror is pretty much the same.
I got to the hotel and squatted on the shitter. Took care of business. My shorts weren't bad per se but any amount is bad.
I changed, washed my shorts and now I'm off to Luxor.
I much better now.
I'm posting one of my sunrise pics to well leave you with a much nicer picture from my trip.
Just clear the last story from you mind. It's just better that way.
Sharm el Shiek
This was the beach yesterday. You can see all of the umbrellas packed in at the water.
Not really my scene but it's the beach in Egypt, you really should see it.
Not really my scene but it's the beach in Egypt, you really should see it.
20 March 2006
square 1
I just got off the bus jumped on the last subway and I'm back. Back at the same hotel, in fact the very same bed.
This bus was quicker and somewhat more comfortable. It still sucks that I had to take the scenic route for this leg.
I'm now at a 2E net bar rather than a 20E net bar in Sharm. I know the exchange rate but the economic forces are so strong here any victory is significant.
Anyway, I got up this morning and tried to make travel arrangements. While I waited to hear back I took a run down to the beach. The hotel had a private (20 feet) of beach so I put my feet in the Red Sea. I Korea I put my feet in the Yellow Sea, I think I just have the Black Sea to go.
While waiting for the shuttle to pick me up I met a very friendly man. We got to talking and he was from Pescara, Italy. I told him I worked with someone from Torino. He nodded his head as if to say "this means nothing to me but I will be polite as the situation demands." Great guy. 62 and still travelling with his wife and daughter. He tells me Sharm el Sheik and Hurgada are very popular with Germans and Italians.
I might have guess but I would not have guess Sharm el Sheik was popular with the russians. There were russians everywhere. In fact most of the travel info in the lobby was in Russian.
I don't care really one way or the other. It just caught me by surprise.
Anyway, I'm fine. Exhausted. I'm grabbing a falafel and a coke and calling it a night.
More later from where I end up.
ps. I heard about the lady with bird flu. don't worry, I'm not.
This bus was quicker and somewhat more comfortable. It still sucks that I had to take the scenic route for this leg.
I'm now at a 2E net bar rather than a 20E net bar in Sharm. I know the exchange rate but the economic forces are so strong here any victory is significant.
Anyway, I got up this morning and tried to make travel arrangements. While I waited to hear back I took a run down to the beach. The hotel had a private (20 feet) of beach so I put my feet in the Red Sea. I Korea I put my feet in the Yellow Sea, I think I just have the Black Sea to go.
While waiting for the shuttle to pick me up I met a very friendly man. We got to talking and he was from Pescara, Italy. I told him I worked with someone from Torino. He nodded his head as if to say "this means nothing to me but I will be polite as the situation demands." Great guy. 62 and still travelling with his wife and daughter. He tells me Sharm el Sheik and Hurgada are very popular with Germans and Italians.
I might have guess but I would not have guess Sharm el Sheik was popular with the russians. There were russians everywhere. In fact most of the travel info in the lobby was in Russian.
I don't care really one way or the other. It just caught me by surprise.
Anyway, I'm fine. Exhausted. I'm grabbing a falafel and a coke and calling it a night.
More later from where I end up.
ps. I heard about the lady with bird flu. don't worry, I'm not.
This is why I travel without a plan.
I spent 8 hours on a bus down the sinai to get to Sharm el Sheik. Cool city. Put my feet in the red sea. Caught some sun and ready to move on.....NO!
The ferry between Sharm and Hurgada is not operating. They had an accident a while back and no ferries until April.
Ok, bus back to Cairo then ...we'll see.
No problems, no worries.
Bus leaves in an hour.
I spent 8 hours on a bus down the sinai to get to Sharm el Sheik. Cool city. Put my feet in the red sea. Caught some sun and ready to move on.....NO!
The ferry between Sharm and Hurgada is not operating. They had an accident a while back and no ferries until April.
Ok, bus back to Cairo then ...we'll see.
No problems, no worries.
Bus leaves in an hour.
18 March 2006
blogspot won't pick up my links so new pics will be at
blogspot won't pick up my links so new pics will be at
last night in Cairo
17 March 2006
I've had another amazing day. I saw so many things I find it hard to tell everything thing here. I've almost maxed out my camera memory and I haven't left the city yet!
Anyway , had tea at Khan al Kalili market, the oldest trading spot in the world and walked around trying to find the subway station. I walked and walked and walked. After a while, about an hour and a half I started to get light headed and really exhausted. I rested and started again a couple of times but I needed food. Trouble is in this country restaurants and the like are rare. I DON'T KNOW WHY!
So I'm dragging along looking for either food or subway.
I tried to flag down a taxi but they were full or couldn't get my arabic.
Until this big guy dressed in red and white comes up to me and says in English..."food" What the hell....
Yes he says "food" He shows me a stall with rice, pasta and meat...they call it Ko Shaw Ree. I don't know how they really spell it but I got it, I ate it and it was great! Chili sauce was excellent and washed it down with a coke (In Egpyt Coke is the same as in the states, however, my roommate says in serbia it tastes like beer)
My belly was happy now to the subway. Red and white guy spoke english so I asked him how to get on the subway, He puts his arm in mine and walks me into the street...he flags down this mini bus and tell the guy where I want to go...and boom I'm gone...I hear in the distance his voice say..."have a good time in Egypt"
The mini bus turned through traffic and it would have taken me hours to get to where I eventually ended up.
As I left the bus, same thing...."have a good time in Egypt....."
And here I am....I'm having a pretty good time too...
Anyway , had tea at Khan al Kalili market, the oldest trading spot in the world and walked around trying to find the subway station. I walked and walked and walked. After a while, about an hour and a half I started to get light headed and really exhausted. I rested and started again a couple of times but I needed food. Trouble is in this country restaurants and the like are rare. I DON'T KNOW WHY!
So I'm dragging along looking for either food or subway.
I tried to flag down a taxi but they were full or couldn't get my arabic.
Until this big guy dressed in red and white comes up to me and says in English..."food" What the hell....
Yes he says "food" He shows me a stall with rice, pasta and meat...they call it Ko Shaw Ree. I don't know how they really spell it but I got it, I ate it and it was great! Chili sauce was excellent and washed it down with a coke (In Egpyt Coke is the same as in the states, however, my roommate says in serbia it tastes like beer)
My belly was happy now to the subway. Red and white guy spoke english so I asked him how to get on the subway, He puts his arm in mine and walks me into the street...he flags down this mini bus and tell the guy where I want to go...and boom I'm gone...I hear in the distance his voice say..."have a good time in Egypt"
The mini bus turned through traffic and it would have taken me hours to get to where I eventually ended up.
As I left the bus, same thing...."have a good time in Egypt....."
And here I am....I'm having a pretty good time too...
Last night my roommates and I came to this cafe. We picked up some falafel around the corner, drank tea, played dominoes and talked about places to go.
I came back this morning for tea, to write and think about what's next.
I came back this morning for tea, to write and think about what's next.
ah the next day
This is the view from my hotel. Yes, it is run down, but then again so am I.
I admit I was a bit iffy about the hotel yesterday but later in the day I met
two of my roommates. One was from Austrialia. He's been travelling for a year
and eventually ended up in Egypt. The other guy is from Montreal. He's been
here for 4 months and is headed to Istanbul for, well, something cool.
We ended up chatting about travel, visas, exchange rates, food, places to go
and things to see.
Later in the evening there was a protest in the square outside the hotel. The
hotel is near Midah Tahrir. A couple of people on this list know where that is.
Anyway, the canadian guy and I ended up out on the ledge (you can see it in the
pic) to take a closer look at what was going on. Leave it to a Canadian to get
me in to trouble. I haven't been afraid of heights or at least not aware of it
but damn it freaked me out. I was perfectly safe but my sense were overwhelmed.
More later
I admit I was a bit iffy about the hotel yesterday but later in the day I met
two of my roommates. One was from Austrialia. He's been travelling for a year
and eventually ended up in Egypt. The other guy is from Montreal. He's been
here for 4 months and is headed to Istanbul for, well, something cool.
We ended up chatting about travel, visas, exchange rates, food, places to go
and things to see.
Later in the evening there was a protest in the square outside the hotel. The
hotel is near Midah Tahrir. A couple of people on this list know where that is.
Anyway, the canadian guy and I ended up out on the ledge (you can see it in the
pic) to take a closer look at what was going on. Leave it to a Canadian to get
me in to trouble. I haven't been afraid of heights or at least not aware of it
but damn it freaked me out. I was perfectly safe but my sense were overwhelmed.
More later
16 March 2006
I'm changed hotels. This one is about 4 dollars a day and comes with an elevator with no closing door. You can touch to floors as they pass by. It's a dump but I'll only be here two more days.
I went to the Egyptian Museum today. Although it is filled with amazing antiquities you might not know it. Some areas are little more than open store rooms and some window have never been cleaned. Captions for the most part were typed on a manual typewriter in the 30's and left. I couldn't figure out a chornology and well I could go on....
It's big and you have to see it but I expected a bit more.
I'm headed to the hotel for a bit then off for coffee. Coffee and teahouses are big here. I want to see how the locals do it. No starbucks sightings in Cairo as yet.
More later.
I went to the Egyptian Museum today. Although it is filled with amazing antiquities you might not know it. Some areas are little more than open store rooms and some window have never been cleaned. Captions for the most part were typed on a manual typewriter in the 30's and left. I couldn't figure out a chornology and well I could go on....
It's big and you have to see it but I expected a bit more.
I'm headed to the hotel for a bit then off for coffee. Coffee and teahouses are big here. I want to see how the locals do it. No starbucks sightings in Cairo as yet.
More later.
15 March 2006
things to remember when traveling.
The hotel is much nicer than I'm used to staying at. It is Eqyptian 5 star. It is an old historic building and close, very close to the pyramids.
Morning coffee was in the shadow of the Great pyramid, then I was off.
Walking around the complex was great. Lot's of tourists but early in the morning it was managable.
You can buy a ticket to enter the pyramids and it was worth it. Cramped and the chambers are empty but the impact of the space and knowing you are inside one of the great wonders of the world is pretty awesome.
So, I puttering along and a young guy comes up to me and asks where I'm from. Now, I should know better. I've been around the block I know this is setting me up for hasseling for money but I slip. I tell him LA, he says he wants to give me gifts for my family, next thing you know I have a arab head dress on my hands are filled with cheap egyptian crap and here it comes..."are you happy, do you have something for my family?" Shit....
I give him a 20. 20 Egyptian is ok. He gave me stuff and he was ok about it.....but no 20 is 3 dollars american....and he knows it ....and he tells I'm getting pissed. But it goes on....I end up at least getting a coke and an armful of cheap crap for 50 pounds....WAY TOO MUCH but to be rid of him, worth it...
Now these guys are all over, camel rides, guides, gifts....they try and keep it low because security will bounce them but everyone knows what's going on and it's the tourist's job to keep these guys at arms length.
I ended up getting a guided tour, which I could have seen myself and a brief trip on a camel.
I did really enjoy the Giza when I was by myself. Keeping these guys out of your hair is a travel skill you have to develop and actually in hindsight rather amusing.
I'm leaving the hotel today and moving into the city. Giza is way out and there isn't much here that I can see so the high end of this trip ends and dorms, hostels and cheap rooms from here on....
I had a great birthday....but there is one more thing I came to see in Egypt.
Morning coffee was in the shadow of the Great pyramid, then I was off.
Walking around the complex was great. Lot's of tourists but early in the morning it was managable.
You can buy a ticket to enter the pyramids and it was worth it. Cramped and the chambers are empty but the impact of the space and knowing you are inside one of the great wonders of the world is pretty awesome.
So, I puttering along and a young guy comes up to me and asks where I'm from. Now, I should know better. I've been around the block I know this is setting me up for hasseling for money but I slip. I tell him LA, he says he wants to give me gifts for my family, next thing you know I have a arab head dress on my hands are filled with cheap egyptian crap and here it comes..."are you happy, do you have something for my family?" Shit....
I give him a 20. 20 Egyptian is ok. He gave me stuff and he was ok about it.....but no 20 is 3 dollars american....and he knows it ....and he tells I'm getting pissed. But it goes on....I end up at least getting a coke and an armful of cheap crap for 50 pounds....WAY TOO MUCH but to be rid of him, worth it...
Now these guys are all over, camel rides, guides, gifts....they try and keep it low because security will bounce them but everyone knows what's going on and it's the tourist's job to keep these guys at arms length.
I ended up getting a guided tour, which I could have seen myself and a brief trip on a camel.
I did really enjoy the Giza when I was by myself. Keeping these guys out of your hair is a travel skill you have to develop and actually in hindsight rather amusing.
I'm leaving the hotel today and moving into the city. Giza is way out and there isn't much here that I can see so the high end of this trip ends and dorms, hostels and cheap rooms from here on....
I had a great birthday....but there is one more thing I came to see in Egypt.
Temple and pyramid
There are spots like this all over the place. This is the best preserved in this complex. Some interesting hyrogliphics in this spot.
14 March 2006
Ok, so get drop off the car. I'm having mixed feelings about Germany. It was nice and all but I didn't feel right. I didn't have fun the way I usually have fun on a trip. Fuck it...moving on.
I picked up Lufthansa on this leg. They put us on a brand new A330-300. Very nice. The flight attendant said she didn't like it because the aisle were narrower than the A300. I'm not a flight attendant but from her perspective she probably had a point.
The plane was booked full but I guess had a lot of no-shows so I went from an aisle to a window, and I didn't have anyone sitting next to me. Sweet! Off with the shoes, pour me a coke and let's go!
On the way to Frankfurt I was thinking. "You know I've never taken a dump on a plane....." Guess what on this trip I had to go. Another first!
Luckily the A330 is a new plane. This thing must have had six middle toilets because there was no waiting and no one was banging on the door while I was taking care of business. Everything went ok. A little turbulance, but I did feel funny. The toilet was facing in toward the cabin and not toward the front of the plane. I know it would be stupid to design it that way but you know how you feel when you ride the bus and you get a seat up front facing the side. Ahh, what the hell, it worked.
I got off the plane. Customs. Taxi. Boom, I'm gone.
Now,Every trip. EVERY TRIP! I have a great taxi ride. I've never been here before and there is no way in hell I would ever drive here. Lane markers mean nothing. Every car has a dent and is missing paint. I saw one OBVIOUSLY new VW Golf. It was sad to think in about a month, that class validictorian will be another banged up heap like the rest of them out there.
Anyway, the cars are 5 and 6 across going 60-70 mph. You can't see daylight between these guys and what do I see? Pedestrians! What the fuck! These guys walk into the street and just cross! 5x10 cars coming at them 60+, "whatever, I gotta get to the other side...." There is some sort of system at work here, I saw kids, old men and ladies crossing the road and no one was killed (on this trip).
I was looking around taking in the city, which is really amazing and really what I came for. This is travel. Germany was cool and all but dirty, run down shops and house and masses of people scratching at you for money, now I'm somewhere interesting.
The city is speeding by and I'm checking it out but I'm more fascinated with the driving. Moving in and out. Dodging people, animals, pedestrians and other cars. I try and guess what I would do if I were driving but I'm too slow, taxi driver has NASCAR skills moving up and around quicker and with more balls than I could ever imagine.
On the trip, I'm looking in other cars and there are whole dramas going on in each of them. Priceless.
Well this thing is costing an arm and a leg already so I'll finish here.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
I'll let you know what I did later.
I picked up Lufthansa on this leg. They put us on a brand new A330-300. Very nice. The flight attendant said she didn't like it because the aisle were narrower than the A300. I'm not a flight attendant but from her perspective she probably had a point.
The plane was booked full but I guess had a lot of no-shows so I went from an aisle to a window, and I didn't have anyone sitting next to me. Sweet! Off with the shoes, pour me a coke and let's go!
On the way to Frankfurt I was thinking. "You know I've never taken a dump on a plane....." Guess what on this trip I had to go. Another first!
Luckily the A330 is a new plane. This thing must have had six middle toilets because there was no waiting and no one was banging on the door while I was taking care of business. Everything went ok. A little turbulance, but I did feel funny. The toilet was facing in toward the cabin and not toward the front of the plane. I know it would be stupid to design it that way but you know how you feel when you ride the bus and you get a seat up front facing the side. Ahh, what the hell, it worked.
I got off the plane. Customs. Taxi. Boom, I'm gone.
Now,Every trip. EVERY TRIP! I have a great taxi ride. I've never been here before and there is no way in hell I would ever drive here. Lane markers mean nothing. Every car has a dent and is missing paint. I saw one OBVIOUSLY new VW Golf. It was sad to think in about a month, that class validictorian will be another banged up heap like the rest of them out there.
Anyway, the cars are 5 and 6 across going 60-70 mph. You can't see daylight between these guys and what do I see? Pedestrians! What the fuck! These guys walk into the street and just cross! 5x10 cars coming at them 60+, "whatever, I gotta get to the other side...." There is some sort of system at work here, I saw kids, old men and ladies crossing the road and no one was killed (on this trip).
I was looking around taking in the city, which is really amazing and really what I came for. This is travel. Germany was cool and all but dirty, run down shops and house and masses of people scratching at you for money, now I'm somewhere interesting.
The city is speeding by and I'm checking it out but I'm more fascinated with the driving. Moving in and out. Dodging people, animals, pedestrians and other cars. I try and guess what I would do if I were driving but I'm too slow, taxi driver has NASCAR skills moving up and around quicker and with more balls than I could ever imagine.
On the trip, I'm looking in other cars and there are whole dramas going on in each of them. Priceless.
Well this thing is costing an arm and a leg already so I'll finish here.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
I'll let you know what I did later.
On to the airport
What the hell! My last day in Frankfurt and I finally get the nav to speak and read english.
I got to the airport ok and on the plane...
I got to the airport ok and on the plane...
13 March 2006
Koblenz from the fortress
this is the view of the city of Koblenz from the fortress outside the city.
The river is the Rhine.
The river is the Rhine.
Koln Cathedral
This is an ÚNESCO world heritage site. This catheral was one of the only things
standing after WWII. The bombers used it as a landmark for most of their
standing after WWII. The bombers used it as a landmark for most of their
I have several thoughts I wanted to put down. None particularly spectacular.
The word for exit is ausfarht, the word for entrance is einfarht. Both words have farht in them and I still laugh evertime I see them.
Last post I mentioned that the Big Macs (thus far in my travels) taste the same everywhere. Well this morning, in Koln, I started out with breakfast of a bag of little corn funyuns covered with paprika and a coke. By the way, last night I had Pringles with Paprika, which I thought was odd until this morning when I put it together. What we in the US think of as BBQ chips are actually Paprika chips, or close to it.
Ok, back to my story. I opened the rings popped in a couple and washed it down with a swig of Coke, and I noticed immediately this tasted different. Good, damn good. Much better that the stuff at home, well every where Ive had a coke. It was lighter with a menthol type flavor that gets to your nose, especially with the carbonation.
Well I thought maybe it was a fluke. Bad batch. So later on I got hungry and had a bratwurst and a coke, in Koblenz. Same new taste. This was strange. Until just now when I had a schnitzel with a coke and it was normal. Whatever they did in Koln and Koblenz, they should expand the market.
I had a great ride back to Frankfurt. I spent some time and worked out some german and got the nav system for the car working. Kept it under 200 kph. Still.
If anyone is coming to Frankfurt I recommend my hotel. The Hotel Excelsior. Its old. My room in small but comfortable. And the hotel offers free internet, free calls anywhere inside germany, free ironing (not an iron) and free breakfast and snacks in the bar all day. And the mini bar is free (its small and just has a few things but its a nice touch)
The wind in gusting and the temperature is down in the 20s. The gloves my sister got me a while back are saving my ass once again. Thanks sis.
The german keyboard switchs the y and the z. I dont know why, and I cant find the apostrophe so all my contractions are a bit light.
Ive taken a bunch of pictures but these places are stingyier than I though with there USB ports.
I try and post when I can.
The word for exit is ausfarht, the word for entrance is einfarht. Both words have farht in them and I still laugh evertime I see them.
Last post I mentioned that the Big Macs (thus far in my travels) taste the same everywhere. Well this morning, in Koln, I started out with breakfast of a bag of little corn funyuns covered with paprika and a coke. By the way, last night I had Pringles with Paprika, which I thought was odd until this morning when I put it together. What we in the US think of as BBQ chips are actually Paprika chips, or close to it.
Ok, back to my story. I opened the rings popped in a couple and washed it down with a swig of Coke, and I noticed immediately this tasted different. Good, damn good. Much better that the stuff at home, well every where Ive had a coke. It was lighter with a menthol type flavor that gets to your nose, especially with the carbonation.
Well I thought maybe it was a fluke. Bad batch. So later on I got hungry and had a bratwurst and a coke, in Koblenz. Same new taste. This was strange. Until just now when I had a schnitzel with a coke and it was normal. Whatever they did in Koln and Koblenz, they should expand the market.
I had a great ride back to Frankfurt. I spent some time and worked out some german and got the nav system for the car working. Kept it under 200 kph. Still.
If anyone is coming to Frankfurt I recommend my hotel. The Hotel Excelsior. Its old. My room in small but comfortable. And the hotel offers free internet, free calls anywhere inside germany, free ironing (not an iron) and free breakfast and snacks in the bar all day. And the mini bar is free (its small and just has a few things but its a nice touch)
The wind in gusting and the temperature is down in the 20s. The gloves my sister got me a while back are saving my ass once again. Thanks sis.
The german keyboard switchs the y and the z. I dont know why, and I cant find the apostrophe so all my contractions are a bit light.
Ive taken a bunch of pictures but these places are stingyier than I though with there USB ports.
I try and post when I can.
12 March 2006
Koln, Germany
Damn. Sometimes this happens. I wear myself out then everything starts to piss me off.
After two hours of trying to find my hotel I went sight seeing. Got lost for another hour. Got really hungry and settle for McDonalds.
By the way, someone told me once that the Big Macs in every country taste different. I told them I didnt think it was right. It didnt make sense.
Well for the record, Ive had Big Macs in six countries and they all taste the same.
Back to the story, I landed this morning at 940am, in Frankfurt. I rented a car to do one of the things on my list Ive always wanted to do. Drive the autobahn. Not just drive but go fast.
I once got my GTI up to 100mph but that poor bastard rattled and shook like a WWII battleship taking fire.
Once on the way back from San Francisco I got my friends Mustang GT to 115 MPH. There was traffic so I had to back off.
But here, Germany....I had to see.
I rented an Audi and got a pretty good deal. Its comfortable but not plush.
Anyway, I had intended to go to Stuttgart to see the Porsche factory said the last two days had snowed and I didnt want to risk long drives in the snow in a foreign country. So I cut Stuttgart and headed right for Koln.
I asked the girl at the rental counter the best way to get to Koln, and she told me no problem the car has a NAV system.
A nav system, SWEET, I thought.
I got in the car started it up and fired up the guessed it...its in german! No english, just german. Im fairly smart and all but Im not learning german in a parking garage so I can find my way to my hotel.
I punched in KOLN on the Nav and the voice got me out of the airport and on the autobahn.
I was nervous. I started to pick up speed just to keep up with traffic and people were going about a hundred.
Then I got comfortable. Well as comfortable as you could with a german chick telling you were every turn and exit is and when its coming up.
Traffic thinned out and I punched it.
Punching it is an overstatement. The car is actually a turbo diesel and when you put the pedal to the floor, the speed ramps up, the way I ramp up when the alarm goes off in the morning.
Long story, short....I hit 198kph about 120 mph.
I have a personal speed record. No one was hurt and now I have to get some sleep.
I have yet to find my hotel and I smell.
More later
After two hours of trying to find my hotel I went sight seeing. Got lost for another hour. Got really hungry and settle for McDonalds.
By the way, someone told me once that the Big Macs in every country taste different. I told them I didnt think it was right. It didnt make sense.
Well for the record, Ive had Big Macs in six countries and they all taste the same.
Back to the story, I landed this morning at 940am, in Frankfurt. I rented a car to do one of the things on my list Ive always wanted to do. Drive the autobahn. Not just drive but go fast.
I once got my GTI up to 100mph but that poor bastard rattled and shook like a WWII battleship taking fire.
Once on the way back from San Francisco I got my friends Mustang GT to 115 MPH. There was traffic so I had to back off.
But here, Germany....I had to see.
I rented an Audi and got a pretty good deal. Its comfortable but not plush.
Anyway, I had intended to go to Stuttgart to see the Porsche factory said the last two days had snowed and I didnt want to risk long drives in the snow in a foreign country. So I cut Stuttgart and headed right for Koln.
I asked the girl at the rental counter the best way to get to Koln, and she told me no problem the car has a NAV system.
A nav system, SWEET, I thought.
I got in the car started it up and fired up the guessed it...its in german! No english, just german. Im fairly smart and all but Im not learning german in a parking garage so I can find my way to my hotel.
I punched in KOLN on the Nav and the voice got me out of the airport and on the autobahn.
I was nervous. I started to pick up speed just to keep up with traffic and people were going about a hundred.
Then I got comfortable. Well as comfortable as you could with a german chick telling you were every turn and exit is and when its coming up.
Traffic thinned out and I punched it.
Punching it is an overstatement. The car is actually a turbo diesel and when you put the pedal to the floor, the speed ramps up, the way I ramp up when the alarm goes off in the morning.
Long story, short....I hit 198kph about 120 mph.
I have a personal speed record. No one was hurt and now I have to get some sleep.
I have yet to find my hotel and I smell.
More later
11 March 2006
I've been sick. Last three days I've been coughing, spitting, sneezing, wheezing, and hacking. Miserable. But yesterday, at 5PM, an hour before I finished head started to clear.
All my reports were finished. My paperwork was turned in and all phone calls and emails were answered. At six I turned off my laptop and I was done.
My girlfriend dropped me off at the airport an hour ago. Ticketing was great. I used the Ticket ATM. No people. Damn I love that. If I can limit my contact with counter monkeys in an situation I'll do it.
Security was uneventful. I did pass a girl on her cellphone bitching because she had to take off her scarf and put it thought the x-ray. The instinct was to punch to the head but well, I'm on vacation. Live and let live.
I have two hours to go before boarding.
Hey, I just heard barking. Yapping really.
A lady has a little dog in her bag. Glad she's on the next flight and not mine. Little dawg.
Four hours to chicago....
More later.
All my reports were finished. My paperwork was turned in and all phone calls and emails were answered. At six I turned off my laptop and I was done.
My girlfriend dropped me off at the airport an hour ago. Ticketing was great. I used the Ticket ATM. No people. Damn I love that. If I can limit my contact with counter monkeys in an situation I'll do it.
Security was uneventful. I did pass a girl on her cellphone bitching because she had to take off her scarf and put it thought the x-ray. The instinct was to punch to the head but well, I'm on vacation. Live and let live.
I have two hours to go before boarding.
Hey, I just heard barking. Yapping really.
A lady has a little dog in her bag. Glad she's on the next flight and not mine. Little dawg.
Four hours to chicago....
More later.
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