20 July 2006

Why I blog

The other day I mentioned that I had a blog and my friend was surprised.
My opinion, and his I suspect, is that people with personal websites are basically attention whores looking for approval from strangers.
I have to admit, with much shame, there is a small part of that motivation that goes into this. However, the main reason I have a blog is because most of my friends are lazy bastards who don't email.
When I travel I'm usually out for a while so I send email home. At first I would send individual email, which got old quick.
Then I went to a blanket email sent to anyone that wanted to be on the list.
But with emails, I would send 40 out one day and the next I would get 2 or 3 responses.
Fuck that.
So with the blog. Everyone knows where it is. Look at it when you want. Less hassle for me.
And a side benefit, a couple of people I would have never met sent me some cool email and I checked out there sites. So my inner attention whore is satisfied.