Yesterday, I waited for my sister to pick me up from he bus stop. It had rained all day and I stood in the bus shelter trying to say dry. I looked down in a puddle and found a wad of paper with writing on it.
It looked like composition writing from a high school girl's keeping journal. I normally would not read someone elses journal but pages face down in a puddle on the sidewalk, I condsider public domain.
I'm transcribing them here word for word. The pages turn out to be a vaguely interesting find:
Well I felt torn after the Lord kept telling me to, and this young girl came to My tarler with an older man and I ask if she was her daughter and he sayed no and they life and a wall they were there the Lord spoke to me and sayd the he did terible harm to her and he was in grate trouble and I prayed and did not see her again and she sayd in a dream hle me and the Lord came to me a few days latter and someone, told me that they man was doing a lot of bad things and ask what I would do and she was hurtin young pople and this man asked what I wood do and he lord spoke throu me and sad that I wood hurt but not kill him and he sayd (this part of the page was torn out) and the Lord says (page torn out) me to go to Oregon by (page torn out) I had to pray (page torn out) it and he sayd (page torn out) it was his will so I left everything and went on a grayhound bus to Medford and when you think you know Christ but relay don’t you lit people walk all over you so that happen until I was taken to call and the potral tried to kill me and the lord started working in my life agen and know I know that he works throu me and some earle trys to spot you but cant as long as you day in his will he has spoke and rom now on I’ll only do his will fore as long as I am on thiss earth till I can go home to my eternal home in his present I will do his will and then as he leads me through this wicket unsete (page torn out) I will do his will and (page torn out) ---ve life as a lot of Believe (page torn out) --re who lose his life will (page torn out) life but he who finds (page torn out) will lose it but some say that but will not come out of there comfort zone. Well I was doing a lot of Meth and fell out of the Well of Christ and that was when I went under and overpass in Grants Pass Oregon.
The use of capitals I thought were particully interesting. I'm guessing this was written by a 30 or 40 year old man but I can't really be sure.
I thought it was interesting.