Vegas weekend. Up. Down. The energy was different this trip. Each time has it's moments. I'm glad I went. Got away for a bit.
On the way back I left early. 2pm or so and wandered my way home. I wanted gas so I saw an ARCO sign at Minneola only to find every building was boarded up, empty or in the process of being slowly reclaimed by vandals.
I went a little further and pulled off in Barstow at Main street. I usually get a burrito, gas, coke and keep going but, since I was by myself, I made and executive decision and followed Main Street to see where it went.
Downtown Barstow reminded me of a corn cob that fell out of a trash can. At one time fresh but now dried up, cracking and faded. I kept going to see if it would get better but it didn't. I've seen worse...MUCH worse...I got out of my car at one point to get gas and I didn't feel unsafe but it's sad to see a place dimmed so much.
I got to Lenwood. Made a right to get to the freeway again and I saw a sign. DESERT PLANTS. Plants for sale out of someone's front yard. I like plants. I need some for the house and this seemed like an interesting place to stop.
Mostly dirt there were a few dozen cactus, succulents and stuff I didn't know what it was growing in pots, planters and in the ground. I picked up one and looked around for the owner. I walked around for a couple of minutes until a man, like a twig this guy, 6'2", glasses and a white beard that looked like a soap brush came out.
The man came and behind him three cats in about the same shape he was in, all of them calling, and hopping on table and plant.
This guy was seventy. At least. In the desert. Maybe younger but however many years they were hard, but he was smiley, polite and I could feel a big kind heart behind that beard. We chatted for a bit. Talked about plants. I picked up another plant and offered a bit more than he asked, to be polite. He told me I had to come back to get some Joshua trees he was growing.
Next time. I'm stopping.
I do need plants.
And it's not far off the Lenwood Exit on the 15. If you need a plant or just want to meet a cool old man trying to keep it going stop.
Lenwood and Main, Barstow.