Today was a wasted day. I was done with Melbourne yesterday but my car won't be ready until tomorrow so I just hung around today. I rode the subway. I just took it until it ended and came back. I picked up some chocolates from a local chocolate place.
I got chocolate covered mango and ginger just to try them. You would figure most things covered in chocolate would be good. Mango, ok. Ginger. Not so much.
So I got back to the hostel. Bumped around and thought, "What the hell am I going to do tonight?"
Well, what do you think I did?
I get to the crap table and it's full. Really full. Both sides open and loud. I muscled in between two guys at the end and waited my turn. Asian guy was there but I didn't pay him any mind.
The guy next to me was a russian guy. He and his wife rolled, but nothing big happend.
Until I got the dice. I picked two dice with one dot up. My point was a ten. I rolled, 5, 6, 4, 8, 8,....they kept coming....then 10. I hit six back to back.
I felt good.
My point was 4 and I shit you not. I rolled for 40 minutes. The russian guy, Sal...had good money on the table, 300 $AU on the 6 and 8 and the rest covered, and I was hitting them. Sal bet the horn for me and I hit it! 40 minutes.....until the end.
I pounded the table and threw the dice. 4 came up hard and the whole table roared. Two guys opposite me yelled and threw their arms up. Sal shook my hand and smiled. For that minute I was a rock star.
I rolled a couple of times after that then crapped out, but when I left the table everyone said good bye.
I got back to the hostel and watched the end of "Fight Club".
Not a bad way to end the day.
My car will be ready in the morning.
Now I'm done with Melbourne.
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