I got an early start and went to the vatican today. I read in my book that the sistene chapel gets really crowded and is hard to get to because the man puts it at the end of a long line of rooms and passageways.
The museum opens at 845am or so my book told me and I wanted to get there before every bluehair and high school jackass had the chance to take his picture with gods finger up his nose. The book said you have to sign up for a tour to even get to the chapel but I wasnt having any of that for the afformentioned reasons.
I got to the entrance at 820am. As I got there masses of tourists had just arrived. The doors were open so I went in. Looks like they opened a little earlier than the book said.
I went through room after room of paintings and sculptures. The man was not going to make this an easy trip. Luckily it seemed the groups behind me were stuck getting tickets and getting everyone to emply their bladders before going in so I had some time. I passed a couple of smaller groups already in the building and on their way to the chapel. I cut through them as they were frozen like deer listening to their guides in german french and japanese.
I finally got to the end and was amazed at how small and close the paintings were. The quality was amazing and the expressions were masterful.The didnt look like anything that I was expecting because I wasnt there yet. I was in the Raphael rooms. Great stuff, glad I saw it but not my final destination.
Literally, over and around more rooms, passages and stairs I finally got there.
The sistene chapel.
And there were about 70 people there already. Ok, 70 does not make for a solitary art appreicating moment but not as bad as it could be. People were quiet and the guide of the only group in there was talking in a low tone so I could enjoy it.
And I did, as much as I could because it was 850am and like being at the beach up to your waist I could feel the swell of people building. I could hear the chatter in the backround from the path I just came from. They were coming.
So I just took deep breaths and drank in as much of the ceiling and the surroundings as I could. And I enjoyed it, until 857am, when they started to spill in through the door. I moved to the smaller partitioned room, but it was no use I could feel the masses building so I left.
It was good but there are a lot of tourists here.
My luck with my birthday trip is holding true. I was worried about rain and it was about 70F today with just a few clouds to shade me.
I havent seen nearly enough of this city so I will have to come back.
I may be moving on Florence tomorrow.
Im off to see the pantheon.
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