This is my last full day in Buenos. So I walked.
Picked up laundry and headed to La Boca. Guidebook says say on the path, dangerous and not pretty off the path.
Not conventionally pretty. Torn up houses, dogs and dog shit everywhere, burned out bus on one street but I saw lots of things I liked. My favorite was two 60 year old men playing SLUGFEST and laughing in front of their dark old apartment building.
I walked, most everything was closed but I walked and people were just existing. Watching the sun move and the time pass.
I got hungry and I saw a McDonalds, and for about 3 seconds considered it BUT THEN! Divine intervention. SMOKE! Burning flesh! An hot old drum! It was another street BBQ guy in front of a club! NICE! I crossed a six lane highway to get to it but it was worth it! OH! OH! OH! They call it chorizo, a spicy sausage cooked, split over a french roll. I swear to god it surprised me again how good it was...11 pesos...just under 4 bucks.
I saw in the distance a orange bridge. I like architecture so I headed for it. I had no destination today. I got to the water and found a new, tall orange bridge and a brown rust metal truss with the road crossing removed. So how are people getting across the bridge. Rowboat. See the video.
I have to confess something. I don´t put everything in this blog. Sometimes I omit for interest or content but yesterday I did something I was embarrassed and ashamed of.
After I bought my fruit for the day, I waited at the corner for a break in traffic so I could cross. A kid, 20 or so, came near me, he said something in spanish and pointed at my bag.
Now in my defense, my spanish is poor. It takes me a second to process, decide and act when someone speaks to me and in this part of town my guard was up, and unfortunately living where I live, my default when anyone on the street asks for anything is no. And that was my response....Lo siento, no.
We both crossed and he disappeared into a building then it hit me, FUCK
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