God where do I start.
Left Louisville this afternoon. Crossed the municipal bridge to Indiana where I had a turkey sandwich on foccaia bread that made me sink in my seat it was so good. The meal deal at this place gives you a sandwich, cupcake, bag of chips and a drink. I'm a genius. I talked myself into a second cupcake instead of the chips. Mortality wise it's probably a push but down the road with a cup of coffee I was again very pleased with my choices.
Somewhere in the east of Kentucky people started to drive 10 over the limit just like back home so I got a little more comfortable with my fellow travellers and I continued to notice the landscape.
Kentucky is pretty. Hills roll with brown veg and trees clumped together. In the spring the green must be deafening but even now the brown curving hilltops are something nice to look at.
I crossed into West Virginia. Mountains. Rolling up, down, up...up..Rocky sides on the roads. Nature had no need for this road man broke it down and put it in.
Richmond. Am I going to make Richmond.
I stoppped at a very very cool Folk Art Museum in Kentucky. Pictures of sharecroppers from the 30's and hand crafted carvings, scultures and paintings that were amazing. You could not get further from the art establishment. I wanted to stay but ...Richmond.
West Virginia. Coffee won't help.
Where to stop. What would fit.
WOW! Greenbrier! The golf resort and it's historical. I saw it on the history channel. Google it. Yes, google it.
It's a little extravagant but I eat cold cuts for a month sometimes to make sure I can do what I want on this trip and this was one of those calls.
I stopped at a mcdonalds, wified the reservation and pulled away.
It's dark now and I get to a gate.
The guard smiles and looks down at me...
Caballero....I say...
Yes Mr. Caballero....Up and to the left....
I drive up and it looks like the white house. NICE! Lite up and clean like my house isn't.
Since I had just booked the room they had trouble getting me settled so they upgraded me to ...something....
I got to the room and it must be a suite. 2.5 bath. The room is big. Well appointed. but...fuck....the room....has flowered wall paper...I mean 4 foot fucking flowers in walt disney colors. It's fucking loud...I layed down and I was pretty sure I could hear the wallpaper from the toilet.
The staff are very curteous in that professional way. I can't ask for more.
I go through the welcome pack turn on the tv to the hotel station...WTF! CASINO!
They just opened a casino down stairs.
Shower. Sleep for 9 minutes...
In the welcome pack, the casino has a dress code. I like James Bond and all but I'm just not the jacket and tie type and I have ratty tennies. I NEVER anticipated I would be in a place like this.
I called down and they will loan me a jacket and they are not hard and fast about the shoes.
Tonya, the casino concierge, very sweet girl gets me a jacket and I'm in.
The craps table is packed. One table. Wall to wall gringos. Blue hairs on the southend Yuppsters on the North. The yuppsters had their own jackets.
The table is howling so I'm not getting in.
Up...down....down...down...small bits....chipping at my stack.
Waiting for the table. They are wedged in .
Zues....I won big on Zeus in vegas....
bing bing bing! Win $100. Nice.
Now I have to get at the table. I ask the manager if he plans on putting a crew on the second table. He says no but there is probably room at the one that's open. He leans in a the older couple split. I'M IN!
So I'm next to a very nice loud white lady that weighs about what a deck of cards weighs but howls "YO!" like a foghorn. To my left is a 6 or 7 foot white haired man with my jacket.
Hey, we are going to get along.
The dice are at the far and and the lady keeps talking to me. I don't like to make conversation very much at the table but sometimes it happens and soundtimes its fun so I go with it.
She wants me to wish for a 4. I guarantee it. 9 9 5 12 3 4....Hey. It's what I do.
Shooter rolls for a while. A good roll. Lady gets the dice rolls. Craps out.
This is what I'm here for. Now I'm still up for the gambling portion of my trip. I could play it safe but fuck come on.... really....why?
My point is five.
Dice...boom! roll
Dice...boom! roll
Dice...boom! roll
I lose one over the rail and I ask for it back. I can hear a guy at the other end of the table. "some people take long but this guy is quick"
Not with everything but ...thanks for the thought.
Dice...boom! roll
Dice...boom! roll
Dice...boom! roll
I'm betting across and hitting my points.
7 out.
I'm down a little but I love the dice in my hand.
There is a lot to see here so I have to be up early to tour the grounds, see the bunker and the gardens. Try to make Richmond or revise my plan.
I kept the jacket.
My plan may include the table .
sleep well.
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