Out of stupidity, after I finished getting the house ready for my departure, I decided to start my vacation by running to the 7-11 at midnight and picking up a coke and some chips like I did in college.
When faced with my options of Doritos and funyons (neither could never occur in nature) I decided to keep with the college theme and I picked...BOTH!
Fast forward. Palace hotel, Copenhagen.
After a nice plane ride, I got out of the airport. Got lost. No free wifi so I had to ask a local for help. Stumbled, bumbled and eventually found my hotel.
The palace is a great historic building on the main square. The rooms and decor are modern and comfortable but walking the streets you can feel the age of this place. There is a feeling of stability confidence and humility in the way the city is put together.
I've stayed near the square so I haven't seen a lot but I did not notice any seventy story high rises that scream at the eye. Brick and wood and glass and steel sit together respectfully.
The plane and dragging my bags around took a lot our of me. The strap on my backpack has been broken for weeks so the chore is more difficult getting here to there. So I hit the bed and stayed.
This morning I looked outside. No snow but the residents were bundled so I had breakfast in the hotel. Meat, local breads, coffee and veg. Mostly healthy but off the diet I've been trying to keep.
I wrote but mostly in a fowl mood since the plane.
Finished two cups of coffee with breakfast headed to the room. Hit the button in the elevator and a twisting searing pain hit me in my gut held me for ten seconds or so. I'm guessing ten seconds. It felt like a minute but searing pain tends go play with the imagination. I had to get to the room.
Fast walk. Agh! I know what this is!
You know in moments like this how the universe with fuck with you. My room key needed three swipes to work...one...beep beep beep...two...beep beep beep....three..beep beep...green light.
Got to the room to unleash a thunderous barrage of Doritos funyon apocalypse which reminded me that in college I was an idiot.
I was in a better mood afterward.
Walked to the museum, hard rock and a seamstress fixed my bag.
Moving hotels tomorrow.
Things are good.
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