20 March 2014


 I'm in a tiny car on the way to the airport. My plane isn't until 7am but I don't like surprises on a travel day. 
I'm groggy but the panther crossing sign we passed is keeping my eyes on the side of the road. 
The outside if town is dirty and a little broken but not worse than anywhere I've seen at home or other places. The idea of India being ravenously poor and dangerous I think is a matter of perception. 
I have only seen a tiny fraction of the country and the people I've met so far have been great. 

I get to the airport and get on the plane make it to Bangalore and I'm okay. Off the plane and you know I've got a I have to take a shit but I can tell that the event horizon this is pretty far off so I decided to get some coffee. 

As I get older, the importance of a regular and comfortable bathroom visit is an in believably high priority and keeping in tune with the defcon status is always a prime concern. 

But at this point I'm off the plane I just getting some coffee before I jump in a taxi or bus or whatever. I feel okay I grab a coffee put my bag down. There's a comfy chair. I lean up against it, I have two sips of coffee and go from defcon four to defcon two. Which is bad. Now I have to pick up my bags, have to and this cup of coffee and find the toilet. 
It's on the other side of the terminal. I go through a little maze of partitions and I find it.

All stalls occupied. So I wait and I wait and I wait what seems like 20-30 minutes but is probably like two and one of the doors opens. There's  an airport older gentleman with the suit and a little pin. He works for the airport. And he opens the door and our eyes meet. 

He looks like he just committed a crime. 

He nods his head to me and he turns around and he takes some tissue paper and wipes down the seat and then he come out like walks away like he just drop the bank. 

I have to go in. 

I have no choice right now.  Fortunately for me the atmosphere could sustain human life maybe the smell of the streets had deadened my senses but I leisurely conducted my business and made off to my hotel. 

More later

Ps dinner, lunch actually my schedule is jacked up. Lunch was awesome. Huge prawns, fried and spicy and garlic. Wow!

Every silver lining though...
The restaurant was small and they were playing techno music which I hate, and the waiter literally watched me eat. 

And when I took a break he tried to chat with me. 

I'm not that entertaining. I swear.... 

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