The line up outside the hotel breakfast was ten deep with business types and women in full makeup. I checked, breakfast is not included in my room charge so out the door I go.
Streets are clean and sparsely populated. Looking for a soup joint I find a little place with students and a few ... I want to say old timers but these fuckers were about my age so that's all I have to say...
I grab a stool and wait a minute to order and I remembered you buy a ticket then they take the ticket with your order.
I'm feeling pretty pleased that I remembered this so I ticket and open my journal to start writing.
About five fucking minutes later miso, bowl of salty bacon with rice and tea.
I'm not a morning person but this puts me in a good mood.
I though I ordered beef but the bacon is good. I'm tearing through it and the salt is getting to me. To my right is a bowl with ginger pickled to a neon pink . The sharp taste of the ginger and the salt is turning out to be an unexpected pleasure.
I want coffee but what I really want is to take a shit. I'm off my game because I'm a little backed up with the flight and being just a little sick. The morning movement gets me on schedule and let's me go on with my day.
But I also want coffee. There is a seven eleven next to the hotel.
I pop in and they have hot coffee but I see the boss coffee can. How can I pass up " boss is the boss of them all"
I get the room and my hands are a little chilly from the wind and I sit down on a invitingly warm toilet seat.
Holy fuck
I don't think I could justify the expense but on a cold day and unexpectedly warm toilet seat can feel like finding a twenty in an old pair of jeans.
Done. Phone charged and you are updated.
More later fuckers
1 comment:
It is interesting that a significant portion is dedicated to bming status.
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