11 March 2014

Cabs and cab rides

In general, I hate people. Mostly short sighted, small minded inconsiderate people and that is a big number of people. 
But when I travel it flips.i like the struggle. Figuring where the bullshit is and working around it. And meeting genuine people and appreciating that they exist.

Off the plane, through immigration. Customs, I'm at the curb. 2am. Metro doesn't open until 5am.

I prefer the bus but the cabs lined up are 1940-1950 something's. They could only be cabs I think like the New York checker cabs. 
I think cab rides can be dicey. I've heard it and I believe it. I've only had one slightly inflated ride in china but I've never be robbed or hijacked so I think my instincts work pretty good. 
I line up for a prepaid ride. The locals are on me, " where are you going?" " my car is here sir..." But I go to the line and there is and old beat up yellow and black cab. 

The driver had trouble getting released from the lot. I'm assuming he doesn't match the picture on the license. Bug we make it though.

The ride was good . The driver had his buddy with him and he talked with him the whole way . 

Both guys were good , 

Don't know what they were saying, I'm pretty sure I did not exist to them but that's cool. They were real. 

I didn't see much  on the way over. 2am the city was pretty dead and do was I. 

I'm at the hotel waiting in the lounge waiting for my room to get free. 

I've had just a small taste of India so far. I like it . 

This was a good idea.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Sounds like it was an adventure just to get the hotel.