24 September 2006

road trip music

road trip music
road trip music,
originally uploaded by utt944.
So drove up to Seattle to see my sister. She's done it a lot. My nephew has done it a lot. Both said, it's long but no problem. So I went.
On a long drive I like to take a bunch of CD's, some I haven't heard for a while and some favorites and just go. The batch I took this trip was great. A lot of perfect moments.
Driving in the middle of the night, pitch black with John Coltrane.
Going through the forests in Oregon with "Dogs" from Animals. And surronded by twenty year old pickups outside of Mt. Shasta sceaming, "I am an anarchist!!!!!"
Toward the end of the drive I was completely whacked out of my mind. I thought I was just moving toward Seattle with no real control, and this is after I stopped for sleep and some food.
I would definitely do it again but I might get an earlier start and bring more cds.
One good thing. Washington has indian casinos with craps. I rolled twice. Crapped out once and made my point (5) once, then crapped out.
I stopped at another casino and won $40. $20 on the slots, $20 at the blackjack table. These indians did not have craps....shame...

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