20 April 2010

two movies

I use netflix and have for some time. It's interesting how when I put my list together, mostly at random in the middle of the night, how I end up with de facto film festivals, with an actor or director but tonight it was a theme.
On the menu tonight. Black Hawk Down and The Seventh Seal. Fuck....
They both wore me out.
Black Hawk Down I had to stop several times and rest because the sound, scenery and tension was too much. The Seventh Seal I had to stop once because my head got tired. Lot of symbolism running around and it's late.
I saw a documentary on the Bhuddah last week. Throw that in the mix and there is a lot of stuff going on in my head and in my heart.
Lots of work this week.
Weather is good.
But a trip to vegas and another round of motorcycles on tap for next weekend.
Life is good.

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