26 August 2007

times square

There are a couple of internet spots in times square so this is where I'm posting from. The hotel room internet is pretty much crap. When you sign on it tells you your information may be comprimised...What the hell is that? Check your email and for the rest of your life the Hilton owns you? I'm not that impressed with the service and the hotel itself really....Anyway,
The game was postponed from 1:10PM to 8:05 PM...I made a trip out to the park for nothing...but it was nice to take a walk around with out a lot of people...The new park, Citi Park is being build right next to Shea, just like new Busch and old Busch in St. Louis. Signs say will open in 2009.
I'm excercising and watching what I eat. I'm in a bet at work...who loses the most weight. I almost fell of the wagon last night...after a lot of walking I was itching for cheesecake and coffee...but I held out...I'm down 6 lbs...only what? 24 to go...
more later...

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