07 March 2010

in the sun

I had an indication this would be a good day when I woke in the middle of the night to find a documentary on the RAMONES on argentine TV.

I walked about a block from my hotel to find the San Telmo flea market in full force. Block after block, mostly junk, but some interesting art, photos, old watches and music. Music was everywhere. Guitars, drums. As one would trail off another would surge.

Here is a lesson. I stopped at a cafe so I could see an indian performer. I was hungry so I ordered a small cheese and egg thing. A place where the waiter has a napkin on his arm is a bad sign for me and it was. It was bad. The salad was ok and you can´t screw up a coke so that went as planned.

I walked about and after awhile I got hungry. Really hungry. Where am I going to find food? Looking at the restaurants, checking menus and prices. Weighing options. Then I was at the same corner I was earlier. In fact, across the street. Smoke. Good smoke. The smell of meat on a grill was coming from a vacant lot turned into a cafe by three guys with oil drums cut in half and turned into grills.

I¨m convinced no bad food has come out of a oil drum grill.

For a quarter of the price I paid at the brasserie I got a chorizo split in two with fresh tomato slice in a chili sauce and a coke from a trash can filled with ice.

I sat in the shade on a hand made chair at a hand made wooden table and ate. This is living.

Earlier, walking down Defensia the market street was ending but I went a little further and found an old man playing tango guitar and a couple dancing. There are a lot of street tango dancers but this is the only one I found with a live guitar.

Watch the video. The moment was great.

Back at the hotel.

Feet are killing me. I walked all day. Resting a bit until tonight.

We´ll see whats open on a sunday.


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