12 March 2014


I started the day with breakfast at the hotel. I spent all day yesterday asleep, so I was ready for today.  Prepared to be out all day. Just two blocks from the hotel. whatever I saw monkeys in the street. 
The smell of shit and piss  everywhere.
Car horns always around. Street traffic surging in the street. 
This is really what I was looking for.
It smells like piss and shit. You could see people had shit on the walls and in the corners of where were they could find a spot. 

I just made my way through the city. I didn't get hassled. I've been mixing in pretty well. I've been asked for directions twice. 

I got all the way out to the India gate and one of the archaeological sites. I walked until my feet hurt and then when they hurt too much then I started walking back to the hotel.  

it's been good it's been good so far. it's hot. I'm sweating. I can't believe everyman that I see on the street has an undershirt on and most of they have sweaters on. it's 80 fucking degrees out here. One guy had on a down jacket. Wtf.
I'm going out tonight to pick up some more stuff and see more the city see what it's like.
More later.

I was wildly optimistic.
Come back to the hotel. Had high tea (utterly pointless) and laid down for a nap,

Nine hours later, here I am.

The sun is deceptive. I could feel it on me but didn't feel how much it takes until I hit the shade and when I hit the bed, game over. 

Now I know my adversary I will plan Better. 

Changing hotels. See a new part of the city. 



Unknown said...

Monkeys, Piss and Shit, Oh my…

Undershirts are to keep the sweat in control…Learn the ways of the Indian Jedi's...

Unknown said...

Monkeys, Piss and Shit, Oh my…

Undershirts are to keep the sweat in control…Learn the ways of the Indian Jedi's...

Unknown said...

Monkeys, Piss and Shit, Oh my!

Can't wait for the elephant…

Undershirts keep the sweat off your body. Learn the ways of the Indian Jedi's...

Neil said...

I feel that this could be a great novel with anecdotes of the human experience. What you are observing is a reality that I do not wish to acknowledge or observe when I travel. It sounds like you getting beat, nothing that you can't handle.