11 March 2006


I've been sick. Last three days I've been coughing, spitting, sneezing, wheezing, and hacking. Miserable. But yesterday, at 5PM, an hour before I finished work...my head started to clear.

All my reports were finished. My paperwork was turned in and all phone calls and emails were answered. At six I turned off my laptop and I was done.

My girlfriend dropped me off at the airport an hour ago. Ticketing was great. I used the Ticket ATM. No people. Damn I love that. If I can limit my contact with counter monkeys in an situation I'll do it.

Security was uneventful. I did pass a girl on her cellphone bitching because she had to take off her scarf and put it thought the x-ray. The instinct was to punch to the head but well, I'm on vacation. Live and let live.

I have two hours to go before boarding.

Hey, I just heard barking. Yapping really.

A lady has a little dog in her bag. Glad she's on the next flight and not mine. Little dawg.

Four hours to chicago....

More later.

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