22 March 2006


originally uploaded by utt944.
I had a pretty sweet train ride last night. I layed down for a first class overnight sleeper to Luxor, for all of $53US. It was comfortable but I didn't really sleep enough.
Checked into the hotel and hit the Luxor temple complex. This is what I imagined Egypt would be. The complex has long passages with carved columns and walls with carvings and some of the original colors are still visible. The feeling of history here is strong. Until the groups get there.
I arrived somewhat early 11am or so and there were about 150-200 people. Not too bad but by 12 noon, there must have been 500 people, 200 of them school children. This destroyed any peace and enjoyment I could have. Some rooms were blocked with crowds with guides. Some people hopped barriers to take cheesy pictures.
I ended up going outside the temple and checking the piles of assorted found pieces that cannot be fit with a building yet.

On another note, I've been here little more than a week. I've felt, crowded, hot, lied to, scammed, dirty, and tired but I do feel safe.
Some of the people are doing whatever they can to make money so they bend the truth. And being an obvious foreigner I am a target for hawkers and touts. But I believe in the law of the jungle and I've adapted and I get around ok.
I was initally worried about pickpockets or muggings but that has not been a problem. In fact, I was in the Kahn al Kariri, the large market place. Thousands of people channeled down narrow passages past vendors. With all of those people no one touched me. My clothes were brush once or twice but no one really crowded me or pushed. It's the same on the subway. I can get very crowded but people respect distance.

I'm beat. It's getting hotter and there are more stops to make. later

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